"I'm fourteen years old, and I weigh 220 pounds. I don't look like I weigh that much because I'm 5'6, but I still look big. I really want to lose like 80 pounds before October, but I have no clue where to start. I'd like to start as soon as possible. It's weird, because I think I have a really pretty face but I'm big. I was watching this video from a wedding I was in and I look really fat compared to all the other girls in my family. Plus diabetes is common in my family and I want to be healthy. Please help. =("


Okay, first of all you have to change your focus from feeling fat and not pretty to feeling slim and beautiful. The more you feel like it's true, the more good thoughts, feelings, and emotions you will experience in association with your body. It is good to spare some time every day for a visualization or meditation, during which you will let go of all your worries and fears concerning your physical condition.

You should be having as many good feelings and emotions about your body as possible, because it changes the state of vibration you're in. If you feel good about yourself, if you believe that you're already lean, fit, and pretty, it would be much easier to do physical exercises, eat healthy food, and take good care about your body. We are more willing to keep the good that we have than run from the bad that we hate.

Oh, and one thing about physical exercising. When you're doing it, sometimes it helps to keep your mind unfocused on what you do. For example, if you count while doing squats, then every squat would be a part of the end-of-the-torment countdown. If you can, distract your mind from the physical work while exercising. Read the poems or play the song lyrics in your mind. Just find a way to make it fun.

And also don't forget to discuss your weight losing plans with your family doctor or if you don't have one, with your parents, to make sure that you're doing it safely.